Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have been a grumpy, anti-social, uninspired grump head lately. I think I need a visit to a book store or library so that I can choose something motivational to read. Something with to-do lists would be helpful. Perhas I could find such lists on line.

Since I was 6 I've thought of Sundays as a day to rest and hang out with friends/family. When I was 12 there was a bowling tournament on a Sunday and I had to fight with my Baba to be allowed to take part. I have the conversation on a cassette somewhere. Hmm, I should find it. The mister's busiest chore days are Sundays. In this way we do not match up. It's not a problem though. It is just the one day where we really spend most of it doing our own thing.

I am quite thrilled with the garden we have this year. Lots of edibles. I am especially excited about leeks and beets.

That's all I've got for now.