Did you know that there is a space for post titles? Sometimes I miss the obvious. Until 2012 I thought that ski hills were made by God. Seriously. I thought developers put lifts into the natural places that God left tree-free.
It has been a week since my dumb smart phone stopped working. I tried every fix there was to try. I quickly accepted that it was done, and counted my blessings that not much of value was locked away in it. Photos and videos had been recently backed up. The notes we made during the tot's birth were written into her log book.
A few weeks before the demise of my phone started to question the hold that that little screen had on me. I was aware that I needed to put it down more. To play more. To chore more. To listen to my best friend more. To not check in for notifications which, truth be told, mostly had no impact on my day to day life. It was a quick journey from limiting smart phone screen time to having no phone at all.
It has been a week of trying to decide what kind of phone my next phone should be. I have decided that I will activate a smartphone that we had kicking around after my husband needed to upgrade to an Apple phone.
A few lessons learned this week
*bubble bath ingredients are only an interesting read the first couple of times. I need books or magazines in the bathroom
*my husband says interesting stuff. I need to tune in way more
*my kid is happy that my phone is gone. I will not disappoint her with the new phone.
*a cell phone is not required for lrt rides, car rides, time spent down town. I do not need to be easy to reach.