A fair bit of my daily emotion is an offshoot of time spent reading blogs, message boards, and FB group posts.
Today's rage is brought to you by someone describing something as judgemental when there was not any judgement in the original post at all. Basically, personA said that they were exposed to something that made them uncomfortable. PersonH was up in arms because personA was judging people rather than communicating with them. I apologize for putting you through that sentence, and back story but it is better I vent it here than on my husband at the end of the poor guy's work day.
I do not believe that it is judgemental to say that a friend's style of parenting, clothing, music, relationships, or cooking makes me uncomfortable. The discomfort is a statement about ME! Not about you/YOU.
Observing differences does not equal judgement.
Also, disagreeing with big words is not the same as being a bully. Not completely unrelated: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/signe-whitson/bullying_b_2188819.html
People are funny that way, always thinking it's about them.